ADMIRE is also able to process a tab-separated sample definition file, with the following columns:

column explanation
sample_id an arbitrary sample identifier. Note that corresponding green and red channel files need the same identifier.
file relative or absolute path of a red or green channel idat file.
channel indicates whether the file is from the red or green channel (can be Red or Grn).
sample_group an arbitrary string identifying the sample group of the sample.

For example, the sample definition file could look like:

sample_id   file    channel sample_group
1   8769527070/8769527070_R01C01_Grn.idat   Grn control
1   8769527070/8769527070_R01C01_Red.idat   Red control
2   8769527070/8769527070_R01C02_Grn.idat   Grn treatment
3   8769527070/8769527070_R02C01_Red.idat   Red treatment

ADMIRE can then be called with admire -s sample_definition.txt and will look for the *.idat files specified in the sample definition file.