We recommend to install prerequisites using the conda package manager. Make sure to have conda installed, e.g. via

  • Miniconda
    • download the Miniconda installer for Python 3
    • run bash Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh to install Miniconda
    • Answer the question "Do you wish the installer to prepend the Miniconda install location to PATH in your /home/.../.bashrc ?" with yes OR do PATH=dir/to/miniconda3:$PATH after installation process

Clone the ADMIRE repository and populate an environment with all prerequisites:

$ git clone https://github.molgen.mpg.de/loosolab/admire
$ conda env create -f admire/environment.yaml
$ export PATH=$PATH:dir/to/admire/src

Every time you intent to use ADMIRE, make sure the environment is activated:

$ source activate admire
$ admire -h