We provide two example datasets as shared data that can be used to try ADMIRE online.

  1. When navigating the web service of ADMIRE, click on Shared Data in the top panel and select Data Libraries. Shared-data
  2. Next, choose the ADMIRE examples from the available shared data libraries. Data-libraries
  3. Check the boxes of one or two sample definition files that you would like to analyse.
  4. Now you can perform the preselected Import to current history action for selected files by clicking on Go. This action will create new datasets in the right panel. Import
  5. Click on Analyze Data in the top panel to return to the main site.
  6. Choose admire methylation analysis from the tools on the left.
  7. Select Operate on a tabular sample definition file as input mode. The tabular sample definition file should be chosen automatically. Admire
  8. As a last step, choose genomic regions of interest and (optional) gene sets.
  9. Hit the Execute button to see ADMIRE in action. Execute